Doulas provide non-medical support to pregnant individuals during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, and have improved maternal and infant health outcomes. The four pillars of support that a doula can provide include physical support, emotional support, informational support, and advocacy. While working with a doula, the pregnant woman and her partner are receiving a package of services that starts from prenatal preparation and includes practical non-medical support during birth (including vaginal birth, planned, or unplanned cesarean section, stillbirth, etc.) as well as postpartum care.
EDN was established in 2011 to connect doula organizations across Europe and share a common Code of Ethics.
Իվետա Քոսյան – Սուվորովա
Մանկաբարձական Դուլա Հավաստագրված
Դիանա Մկրտչյան
Մանկաբարձական Դուլա Հավաստագրված
Անուշիկ Հարութունյան – Ջերեջյան
Մանկաբարձական Դուլա Հավաստագրված
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Մանկաբարձական Դուլա Հավաստագրված