Stuart J. Fischbein, MD, is a community-based obstetrician and an associate of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology who works directly with home birthing midwives to offer hope for those women who cannot find supportive practitioners for VBAC, twin and breech deliveries.
In 1996 he founded The Woman’s Place for Health, Inc., a collaborative hospital-based practice of Certified Nurse Midwives and Obstetricians in California (USA). Dr. Stu is the primary author of three peer-reviewed papers, co-author of the book “Fearless Pregnancy, Wisdom & Reassurance from a Doctor, A Midwife and A Mom” and has appeared in many educational and advocacy documentaries.
As an outspoken advocate of informed decision making, the midwifery model of care and human rights in childbirth, he has received wide recognition and several awards including “Physician of the year” (three times) and a lifetime achievement award. Dr. Stu continues to share his experiences as an international lecturer and advocate for the normalcy and respect for birth.